Order A Hazard Report Now

Platinum Report - Fee: $75.00


Basic Statutory Requirements – Six natural hazard zones.

Supplemental disclosures including: Comprehensive Tax Disclosure Including Direct Assessments, Abandoned Mine Disclosure, Military Ordnance Disclosure, Airport Proximity Disclosure, Airport Noise Disclosure, Airport Influence Area, Metamorphic Rock (Asbestos) Disclosure, Industrial/Commercial Disclosure, Williamson Land Act Disclosure, Right to Farm Disclosure, Oil and Gas Well Disclosure, Seer-Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating Disclosure, Tsunami Inundation Zone Disclosure, California Red-Legged Frog & Tiger Salamander Habitat Sensitive Area Disclosure, Registered Sex Offender Data Base Disclosure, Lead Disclosure Statement, Mold Disclosure Statement, Methamphetamine Contamination Disclosure, Environmental Hazards Disclosure, Endangered Species Disclosure, Methane Gas Advisory, Gas Transmission Pipeline/Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Disclosure, California High-Speed Rail Advisory, San Jose Street Tree Ordinance Disclosure, Notice of Supplemental Property Tax Bill Disclosure, Notice of Private Transfer Fee Advisory and Explanations for Natural Hazard Zones. Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating(Seer) and Tsunami Inundation Disclosure. Notice of Assessment and Tax pursuant to Senate Bill 1122, including a summary of 1911 and Mello-Roos Community Facilities Assessment Districts that are actually levying on the subject property.


Report Delivery by e-mail, fax or USPS mail.





Basic Statutory Requirements – Six natural hazard zones.

Supplemental disclosures including: Commercial/Industrial,Military Ordinance, Lead and Mold Advisory, Megan’s Law, Airport Proximity and Airport Influence, Methamphetamine, Radon Gas, Abandoned Mine Advisory, Endangered Species Advisory, Oil and Gas Advisory, Right to Farm Disclosure and Williamson Land Act disclosures. Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating(Seer) and Tsunami Inundation Disclosure.

Report Delivery by e-mail, fax or USPS mail.




Includes all standard disclosures and Tax Data

•Includes Geo-Tech’s Envirocheck Report
•Report Delivery by e-mail, fax or USPS mail.



•Includes all standard disclosures and Tax Data
•Report Delivery by e-mail, fax or USPS mail



California laws require that developers provide disclosure information relating to natural hazard risks that could affect a subdivision development and certain tax disclosure information to prospective purchasers of property. In many cases, taxes have not been assessed by the applicable tax assessor against a property at the lot level. Our subdivision tax reports will identify pending taxes and assessments and split subdivision property taxes to the lot level. Geo-Tech's Due Diligence will provide your customers with the best information available.


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