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Residential Environmental Hazards: A Guide for Homeowners, Homebuyers, Landlords and Tenant
This publication is designed to provide information about some environmental hazards that may be found on or in residential property. In California, sellers are required to disclose the presence of any known environmental hazard. A statement that the homeowner is unaware of environmental hazards is not a guarantee that the property is free of such hazards. It is in the homeowner's and prospective homeowner's interest to know what hazards is common, where they are found, and how they might be mitigated. This booklet will provide homeowners and prospective homeowners with the information and additional resources needed to make an informed decision about environmental hazards that may be present on a property.

Protect Your Family From Lead







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California’s Abandoned Mine Lands Program Fact Sheet

Cal EPA Residential Environmental Hazards Guide

Homeowners Guide To Earthquake Safety

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