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About Us

Geo-Tech’s management team and staff bring a wealth of experience in the environmental and natural hazard disclosure risk management field. Keith Betchley, a principle in Geo-Tech, has over 28 years of full time direct experience in the environmental industry and 13 years experience with comprehensive tax reporting and disclosures.

Our service melds the technological with an exceptional understanding of the issues, to provide superior products and solutions. The company-owned data center manages a geographic information system database and tax information database that been utilized in the environmental reporting field for over 13 years. The technology team has years of experience in information systems, database collections and management, as well as GIS reporting and interactive mapping applications.

Geo-Tech has developed a suite of products to meet your varying natural hazard disclosure, tax disclosure and environmental due diligence needs. You can trust our expertise to provide you with the solutions that fit your specific requirements. Geo-Tech has the solutions for you and you can expect to receive from us world class concierge service.

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